Monday, May 15, 2006

And the beat goes on...

These pictures were sent to me a few days ago by Guillaume, a friend and Pride's French language teacher in St. Nazaire. I asked if he wouldn't mind if I share some of these shots and he graciously consented. So, here are just a few shots of Pride during her uprig and sea trials.
She is beautiful, non?

(The city of Saint Nazaire, as seen from the west. Pride was docked in the first basin on the right hand side.)

(Captain BBC)

(Crane Day II: Jamie and Maria)

(check out that lamination)

(Pride underway in the St Nazaire basin)

(Going through the locks. She looked much different the last time she passed through the gates.)

(Passing the Ouest Lighthouse)

Seeing these shots definately touched a heartstring. I'm glad she's sailing again. Thanks again, Guillaume, for sharing these photos.


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